Donate to VITA free tax preparation through LTM


Caring volunteers contribute thousands of hours to serve the community through our IRS VITA program.  Major business sponsors like Vanguard make a big difference by providing VITA with volunteers through their Volunteers for VITA program. 

However, the cost to organize the people, sites and systems to make VITA happen each year exceeds $200,000.  Since 2004 Life Transforming Ministries (LTM), a 501c3 nonprofit organization, has been the managing sponsor.  Major financial support comes from the United Way of Chester County, The Chester County Commissioners, and Bentley Systems. 

We invite you to help!  According to the IRS each free return saves a filer $300 or more.  Consider a one-time gift of $300 to VITA, or consider doing that at $25 a month.  By joining our major sponsors your donation of any size to VITA will be used directly to provide FREE tax preparation services, and your gift will contribute to the total economic impact for customers totalling millions of dollars!

or send a check to:

Life Transforming MInistries

Attn: VITA

P.O. Box 29

Coatesville, PA 19320