If doing your own taxes isn't your preference and you can't visit one of our customer service locations to drop off your documents, we offer a convenient and secure solution. You can use our FREE virtual method, which is accessible online with a valid email. This allows you to easily and securely send us all your necessary documents. Our dedicated IRS-certified VITA volunteers will then prepare your taxes for you.
Here are the benefits of using Encyro, our secure transmission service:
- Share necessary forms and documents with your VITA tax preparer
- Communicate with your preparer for any questions or clarifications
- Electronically sign your final tax return for us to file with the IRS
- Receive an electronic copy of your completed tax return
- No need to come to one of our sites
Follow the steps below and we’ll have your taxes done in no time!
- Gather a picture ID for the primary and secondary taxpayer
- Gather social security cards for everyone on the return
- Gather all income wage forms
- Complete and save the fillable form: 13614-C Intake/Interview & Quality Review Sheet
- Complete and save the fillable form: LTM Customer Information Sheet
- Complete the 2nd page and save the fillable form: 14446, Virtual VITA Taxpayer Consent
- If you encountered Education expenses, complete and save the fillable form: Education Expenses
- If self-employed, complete ONE of the fillable forms listed below:
- If wishing to apply for an ITIN, complete and save the fillable form: ITIN Application
- Log into our secure transmission service, Encyro, by clicking this link:
- Once you are in Encyro, upload the forms you just completed, along with all your tax documents, ID, and social security cards